DRAGONFLIES and all other nature in my habitat
SPECIES Spotlight
Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle
In a perfect world, this beetle would perform a valuable service by preventing milkweed from over-taking an area. They feed on the buds and flowers of MW, mostly found on Swamp MW. Since we need as many MW plants to flower and spread seed as possible, I am not allowing this beetle to breed in my habitat. I keep empty jars all around to catch destructive insects. Catching them as soon as they arrive is the best strategy to keeping the numbers down.
Tiger Bee Fly
The first time I saw this insect, I thought it must be some kind of Horsefly, but it's actually a Tiger Bee Fly. The females lay eggs in the nesting cavities of Carpenter Bees, helping to keep their numbers in check. The male can be recognized by the white on his abdomen. These beneficial insects arrive in mid-July here in the Mid-Atlantic.